Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Clam eats salt

YouTube link.


Ratz said...

That's its foot so it's not licking anything. More likely it's trying to get to water and is being burnt by the salt. Just eat the poor thing or put it back in the water.

Anonymous said...

What Ratz said. It isn't funny. --A.

Clare said...

Poor clam :-(

Porker said...

The shell just wants to remove itself from 'too salt water conditions'. The method of salt is used to catch clamps. The salt or salty water will irritate them, but what is the evidence for torture?

Ratz said...

Small world, this turned up this morning on neatorama today (quite possibly via Arbroath). I read neatorama at random intervals during the day when I'm waiting for computers to cough up numbers, but whilst I'm up at 7am, I wait to my lunch hour so I can read Arbroath and savor the wtf-ness. When I came across the clam video and commented on it John Farrier (the guy who posted it on neatorama) emailed to say he'd deleted the post.

Arbroath: I'm in no way hinting that that's what I'd like done!

Whilst I think the above is cruel, you can in fact catch razor clams by pouring salt onto the hole they make in the sand. They seem to detect the salinity and think the tide has come in and come to the surface where you can grab them and eat them.

Woogums said...

That's what we used to put in the holes at the beach to catch clams....

JGodsey said...

clams don't EAT they filter..this is just torture porn...bad taste